Gender and Diversity Sensitive Work in Theatre (Open Call)
Mandala Theatre-Nepal is hosting a workshop on Gender and Diversity Sensitive Work in Theatre from 7th -9th April 2020 at Kathmandu.
Mandala Theatre-Nepal is hosting a workshop on Gender and Diversity Sensitive Work in Theatre from 7th -9th April 2020 at Kathmandu.
Update: Due to ongoing COVID 19 emergencies and the request from the government, we are postponing this workshop. The safety of our friends is always a top priority for Mandala Theatre Nepal. New dates will be announced later.
भारतको नयाँ दिल्लीस्थित राष्ट्रिय नाट्य विद्यालय (नेशनल स्कुल अफ ड्रामा) द्वारा हरेक वर्ष आयोजना गरिने एशियाकै प्रतिष्ठित अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय नाट्य महोत्सव ‘भारत रंग महोत्सव २०२०’ मा जानुपूर्व नाटक महाभोजलाई बिराटनगरमा मञ्चन गरिने भएको हो ।
Mandala Theatre-Nepal is preparing for its’ next production. Under the direction of Pradip Kumar Chaudhary, the play titled ‘Jhimke Mama’ has been in-process since the last week of December 2019.
In an attempt to understand and respond to issues of discrimination and abuse through/in theatre, Mandala formed a ‘Gender and Diversity Focal Committee’ in September 2019.
Mandala Theatre-Nepal is going to conduct a two months-long intensive class on acting.
Mandala Theatre-Nepal is hosting the Nepali edition of Norwegian production Territorium, Nepal in Mandala Theatre on 4th January 2020.
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