Theatre Workshop in Karnali (Application Form)

Update: Due to ongoing COVID 19 emergencies and the request from the government, we are postponing this workshop. The safety of our friends is always a top priority for Mandala Theatre Nepal. New dates will be announced later.

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Update: Due to ongoing COVID 19 emergencies and the request from the government, we are postponing this workshop. The safety of our friends is always a top priority for Mandala Theatre Nepal. New dates will be announced later.

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Due to ongoing COVID 19 emergencies and the request from the government, we are postponing this workshop. The safety of our friends is always a top priority for Mandala Theatre Nepal. New dates will be announced later.

Theatre Workshop in Karnali (English)

Mandala Theatre-Nepal is happy to support conducting a theatre workshop in Mugu district of Karnali Province.  Organized by Karnali Art Centre, a week-long residential theatre workshop is going to be conducted in Gamgadhi, Mugu, from March 20 to 27 this year. Experienced national and international artists from Mandala will facilitate the workshop.

As one of the objectives of Mandala is to decentralize theatre activities in Nepal, it has been conducting and supporting the theatre workshops happening around the country for free. Before this workshop, Mandala has supported local groups from Kakadbhitta, Damak, Ilam and Chitwan to host workshop in their places.

This workshop invites interested 20 theatre artists and enthusiasts from Karnali Province to participate. Participants will be selected by reviewing the application form.

You can fill up the application form online or offline by visiting the available links below.

Theatre Workshop in Karnali (Application Form) 1

कर्णालीमा नाट्यकार्यशाला

मण्डला थिएटर नेपालले कर्णाली प्रदेशको मुगु जिल्लामा नाट्य कार्यशाला सञ्चालनमा सहयोग गर्ने भएको छ । स्थानीय कर्णाली आर्ट्स सेन्टरको आयोजनामा आगामी चैत ७ गतेदेखि १४ गतेसम्म मुगुको गमगढीमा साताव्यापी आवासीय नाट्य कार्यशाला हुने भएको हो । मण्डला

थिएटरमा कार्यरत अनुभवी एवं राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कलाकारहरुले कार्यशाला सहजीकरण गर्नेछन् ।
नेपालमा रंगमञ्चीय गतिविधिको विकेन्द्रीकरण गर्नुलाई आफ्नो एक उद्देश्य मान्दै आएको मण्डला थिएटर नेपालले ‘सामाजिक रुपान्तरणका लागि रंगमञ्च’ शीर्षकमा देशका विभिन्न स्थानहरुमा निशुल्क कार्यशाला सञ्चालन तथा सहयोग गर्दै आएको छ । यसअघि झापाको काँकडभिट्टा र दमक, इलाम तथा चितवनमा यस किसिमको कार्यशाला आयोजनामा मण्डलाले स्थानीय संघसंस्थाहरुलाई सघाएको छ ।

यस कार्यशालामा सहभागी हुन कर्णाली प्रदेशका २० जना नाट्यप्रेमी तथा कलाकारहरुलाई आमन्त्रण गरिएको छ । सहभागी हुन इच्छुकहरुले भरेको आवेदन फारमको मूल्यांकन गरेर कार्यशालाका लागि सहभागीहरु छनौट गरिनेछ ।

अनलाईन वा अफलाईन बाट आवेदन फारम भर्नको लागि निम्न लिङ्कहरू हेर्नुहोला ।

Attached Resources

अनलाईन फारम यस लिङ्कमा गएर आवेदन फारमलाई अनलाईन भर्न सकिनेछ । Go to Link
Online Application Form Please visit this link to fill up the application form online. Go to Link
Application Form (Word File) If you want to fill up the form offline, please download this form and fill it and send it to Go to Link
आवेदन फारम (वर्ड फाईल) यदि अफलाईनमा फारम भर्न चाहन्छु भने, यस लिङ्कमा गएर फाईल डाउनलोड गरेर, त्यसलाई भरेर, मा ईमेल गर्नुहोला । Go to Link