Club Seven is an absurd play developed by using both improvisational storytelling method and traditional play-making process. The play tries to depict the contemporary urban cultures and its effects to human psyche.
Final production of 6th batch of Mandala Theatre- Nepal’s regular academic program Theatre Lab, the play is set in a renowned banquet where people gather to celebrate the happiness of their lives. In current scenario, we can see people are taking all kinds of celebrations in these kinds of banquets. The shrinking spaces, both geographically and mentally, are hunting people from one place to another pursuing their mass identity. The play explores 3 events that are held in a renowned banquet of the city. However, “Club 7” is the most famous and refined place for parties and celebrations but is suffering from its bankrupt clients and is not able to pay salaries to its staffs. The play starts with satiric and humorous depiction of the situation and then goes deeper in the characters and their absurdity. The play tries to portray and satire the human nature and compulsion of social adjustment.