Hamro Nepal Ma: Forum Theatre Play

The first batch of Mandala Drama School has created three forum theatre plays on social issues that are personal, something we see, hear and feel in our families and society.
Starts on : February 21, 2021
Ends on : February 24, 2021
Event Type : Theatre

Hamro Nepal Ma: Forum Theatre Play

The first batch of Mandala Drama School: Theatre for Peace and Social Transformation, has created three forum theatre plays on social issues that are personal, something we see, hear and feel in our families and society. The issues are a result of our own personal understanding and experiences as well as going through a systematic process of delivering such a play as a Forum theatre.

At the end of the play, actors will invite the audience to participate and welcome their inputs. It is hoped that the audience will come forward and participate with their ideas.

Event Summary


February 21, 2021
4:00 PM


February 24, 2021
5:30 PM


Mandala Theatre Hall


Mandala Theatre Nepal in association with Civil Peace Service GIZ




Free Event



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Event Duration

60 mins to 120 mins (at Max)

Event Credits

Casts and Crew

Sushmita Guragain, Hang O hang Rai, Dikshya Chaudhary, Sumitra Pehim, Samriddhi Nepal, Pasang Lhamu Sherpa, Pradeep Dhungana, Shiva Pariyar, Niraj Babu, Sanjay Bishwokarma, Sarita Kathayat, Akash Nepali, Sushmita Pokhrel, Anil Kurmi, Bishnu Maya Pariyar and Aaditya Mishra.

Hamro Nepal Ma

On Media

On Media

फागुन ९ गतेबाट सुरू भएको प्रस्तुतिमा पहिलो दिन तीनवटै नाटक- ‘रूम नम्बर १३’, ‘निसासिएको आवाज’ र ‘अन्तर’ देखाइएको थियो। फागुन १० गते ‘रूम नम्बर १३’ पुनः मञ्चन हुँदैछ। फागुन ११ गते नाटक ‘निसासिएको आवाज’ र ‘अन्तर’ मञ्चन हुँदैछ। फागुन १२ गते भने तीनवटै नाटक भर्चुअल देखाइनेछ।
सुशीला तामा‌ङ, कान्तिपुर
घाँस दाउरा र चुलोचौकोभन्दा पर गएर आफू र समाज बदल्न हिँडेकी जुनूमायाको जब पुग्ने गन्तव्यको गाडी नै छुटिन्छ, तब अपरिचित संसारमा संघर्ष सुरु हुन्छ । उनको यात्रामा ड्राइभरदेखि होटल मालिक लगायतको उपस्थितिपछि जटिल अवस्था आउँछन् । यो समस्या थियो, कचहरी नाटक ‘रुम नम्बर १३’ को ।

Ticket Information

Ticket TypePrice
All DaysFREE
This is a free event with a maximum guest list of 50. Please call our office at 015705761 to register. We will close registration as soon as the list is filled.


Photos: Kantipur Daily