“Aadha Adalat” is the final acting production of the 2nd batch of Mandala Drama School students. The play is a Nepali adaptation of Reginald Rose’s acclaimed teleplay “Twelve Angry Men”, and the script is based on Basu Chatterji’s film Ruka Huwa Ek Faisala. Nepali script of the play is developed by Suresh Sapkota and the play is designed and facilitated by Som Nath Khanal.
Synopsis of Play
The play delves into the heart of justice and human nature as it unfolds within a jury room, where twelve jurors grapple with the weighty decision of a young man accused of patricide. Initially divided, the jurors’ perspectives shift dramatically as they confront their personal biases and prejudices. Led by the dissenting voice of one of the Jurors, they embark on a journey of introspection and rigorous examination of the evidence, ultimately realizing the profound significance of impartiality and the pursuit of truth.
This performance is the result of several weeks of hard work and dedication of Mandala Drama School’s 2nd batch students, and we are excited to share it with a selected audience. Your presence would add immense value as well as support and motivate our young talents.